Payment terms – International Bank Transfer

Bank details for international bank transfers to Sail Nelson NZ Limited:

  • Acct number: 38 9016 0463772 00
  • Bank: Kiwibank Limited, Level 9, 20 Customhouse Quay, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand
  • SWIFT code KIWINZ22
  • Reference: [Your full name]

Additional information for international bank transfers

To comply with anti-money laundering legislation, you will also need to include:

  • Your account number at the sending bank
  • Your full name or company name – no initials, everything needs to be spelled out in full.
  • Your full street address or business street address. PO box numbers aren’t acceptable.

If you don’t include this information, Kiwibank advise that they won’t be able to complete the transaction.

You may be asked to provide extra information like BSB numbers, sort codes, routing codes or IBAN numbers. These are just different terms used overseas for bank, branch and account numbers. Sail Nelson’s full Kiwibank account number starting with ’38’ includes these details.