Please check this is the correct course for you:

Day Skipper is designed for aspiring skippers who’ve already spent 5 or more days as active crew on board a sailing yacht and already have 4 or more hours experience sailing at night. You might have already done some skippering or perhaps have had limited or no opportunity to be the sole skipper in charge. You will have already completed the RYA Day Skipper shore-based theory course, or at least have knowledge to that level. This course is suitable for all ages from 16 upwards.

By the end of this course you should have the knowledge and skills to be the sole skipper in charge of a sail cruising yacht on coastal passages by day in familiar waters. You will also have some experience of night pilotage. Successful candidates, awarded with the RYA Day Skipper Practical certificate, will also be qualified to skipper bareboat charter yachts in many parts of the world. By selecting this course you are confirming that you have already completed the following pre-requisites:

  • I’ve spent 5 or more days on board a sailing yacht as an actively involved crew member
  • I’ve sailed at night for 4 or more hours
  • I understand sailing terminology and can control a sailing boat on all points of sail
  • I’ve successfully completed the RYA Day Skipper shore-based theory course, or at least have knowledge to that level.


  • I’ve discussed my sailing experience with Sail Nelson and have been approved to attend the Day Skipper course